Learn How to Drive a Car with Automatic Transmission

Learn How to Drive a Car with Automatic Transmission

Getting familiar with driving a car with automatic transmission is several times easier than the one that requires shifting gears. Most people, especially in the USA, prefer cars that require little to no effort while moving from point A to point B. It is going to make your life much simple. Especially if those lever vehicles always gave you a terrible headache and kept you stressed all the time. However, you still need to make sure that you are doing everything fine. Otherwise, you might still get in trouble even when driving such a car.

Even if engineers thought about making all the time-consuming and “stress providing” aspects of driving fully automated. Your attention is also necessary because a car is a car, speed is speed, and driving rules are driving rules. What usually people like about automatic transmission cars is that there is absolutely no need to press a clutch when your car performs the gear shifting. It is actually done on autopilot; you just have to hold the gas pedal. Believe it or not, but 90% of the beginners claim that their first car is not going to have a shift gear level, but an automatic transmission. This is the pure truth guys!

The instructions that you are going to receive in this post are not meant to directly teach you how to drive a vehicle with automatic transmission. However, if you closely pay attention to everything that I plan to share with you in this post you will find driving a car much easier than you expected. Never underestimate the power of education, especially when talking about cars and various safety and security rules.

So, take another cup of tea and let us proceed. Please be aware that you still need to get in your car and make yourself comfortable before doing anything. Make sure that you reach those two big pedals without any effort and in case you don’t just properly set your seat. It might take a few minutes until you do so. Also, check your main mirror and the two rear ones. Use the board computer to properly set them up and in case you are dealing with an older car do it manually. It’s easy!

Now, when you are in, it’s time to pay closer attention to the two big pedals on the floor of your car. Always remember that the one on the left is the break and the one on the right is the accelerator. Any mistake in this chapter can easily influence the future of a certain situation when a radical driving decision might be required. Even if you might feel comfortable using both feet to operate the car. Believe me, this is not going to be necessary. Using your right foot only is going to be more than enough and I guarantee that everyone who is driving cars with automatic transmission professionally does this in such away.

If you are looking for other ways of controlling your vehicle you should better be looking. Somewhere else because we are offering only the basic tips and knowledge those beginners willing to learn how to drive a car might be interested in. We are not giving any special additional stunt information. A good and professional driver is one that does it step by step by learning the basics first.

After you managed to understand how the gear shifter works. It’s time to pay a closer look at the gear shifter. Unlike cars with a manual transmission. The automatic ones require only one button to be pushed in order to change the gears. So, when looking at the lever you will probably notice several letters and numbers: P, R, N, D, 2, and 1. There is nothing complicated. I’ll help you understand what each of these gears means.

If we start from the very beginning then P is for parking, R is for reverse, N is for neutral, D is for a drive, 2 is for second gear and 1 is for the first gear. The 1 and 2 gear should be used for bad roads and weather only. In all the other cases you should use D (drive) only. Shifting in the first two gears only will help your car maintain a certain speed and RPM. Which will certainly help in avoiding all the unpleasant aspects of moving your car during bad weather conditions.

Before you start the engine you have to make sure that your car is in P. Now press the brake pedal with your right foot and start the engine. Most automatic cars that I had the chance to deal with won’t be able to start until the gear is shifted into P (parking). However, remember that before releasing the brake pedal you should change. The gear into D or R, depending on which way you want to go.

The car will slowly start moving when you release it. Press the gas pedal in order to slowly accelerate. Press it slowly in order to make sure that you got used to the pedal’s sensitivity. You will slow down by pressing the brake pedal. When you are finished driving set it back to P. This is all; there is nothing else that you should know about driving cars with automatic transmission. Next time you sit in the driver’s seat you will already have a basic idea about what is going on. Good luck and remember to practice a lot!