Engine oil: What it is for, how it is made and why it is so important

Engine oil: What it is for, how it is made and why it is so important

Oil is very important for the life of our engine, even more so in new-generation engines. On the market there are various types, with various applications, and with different specifications for each type of engine; For this, it is better to be informed about their characteristics and if it is good for our car.

The first question we ask ourselves is: What is it for?

Simple, the oil in addition to lubricating the mechanical parts of our engine, has the task of protecting it from impurities that could damage it.

The second question is: What makes it so special, how is it made?

From a chemical point of view, the oil is made up of a base of hydrocarbons, and additives that improve its viscosity index, and of detergency, so as to be able to avoid and eliminate any formation of foam or oxidation.
The oils are divided into:

  • Minerals: Obtained from the refining of petroleum.
  • Semi-synthetic: They are made up partly of mineral additives, and partly of synthetic ones.
  • Synthetics: Or full Syntethic are obtained through chemical processes in the laboratory.
  • Nanotechnology: They are those who exploit the new nanotechnology.

Engine tappet compartment in good condition.

The third question is: Why is it important?

Because thanks to its additives and its lubricating power, it reduces the friction between the components of our engine, thus guaranteeing correct operation. If changed regularly, it allows us to preserve the performance of the engine and its reliability over time.