5 Warning Signs Of Engine Failure

5 Warning Signs Of Engine Failure

This means that your car may now need servicing. Before the engine warnings, it gives some warning signs that you need to take care of and you cannot miss. Here we are going to tell you about 5 such engine warnings.

There comes a time when you start doubting even the thing that you care about the most. If that thing is your vehicle’s engine, then you can do some checking on your own to some extent. When you thought your car was running fine a while back, but it isn’t now.

Check Engine Light

Each vehicle has a check motor light on its dashboard. Whenever there is a fault in the engine of a vehicle or any component or sensor that affects the normal functioning of the engine does not work, the warning light on the dashboard lights up.

Cars nowadays have an onboard diagnostic set-up which also acts as a reporting system. Whenever there is a minor or major problem, its system triggers a warning signal. However, it depends on the fault and you should have your car checked by an expert.

Exhaust smoke

A bit of vehicle smoke is normal during winters, but if your car is emitting black, blue, or thick white smoke, you need to take your car to a specialist.

Black smoke means that the fuel supply to the engine is not working properly or an unsafe fuel mixture is entering the engine. Gray-colored smoke indicates that petrol/diesel is entering the combustion chamber, which is not correct. At the same time, thick white smoke indicates the burning of engine oil with fuel.

Problems while driving

A smooth car is a good car. When a vehicle causes problems while driving, it may be an underlying fault. These can include faults such as clogging the fuel line, spark plug fouls, damaged ignition coils, and dirty fuel/air filters.

Low mileage and poor performance

Over time a car loses its mileage (fuel efficiency) and power due to wear and tear. However, if the car is using too little of its power or the mileage drops significantly, the car’s engine needs attention.

Engine Knock

A car engine knocks when a small portion of the air-fuel mixture begins to burn freely without ignition. Although this is not a huge sign, if you are hearing constant knocking from the engine, then it should be taken to an expert immediately.